🎯 Attention: Busy Real Estate Investors and Portfolio Owners 🎯

You Are About To Discover The Solution To The Single Biggest Mistake That Real Estate Investors And Portfolio Owners Make…

"Discover The Little Known Secret For Attracting More Qualified And Motivated Investors In A Day"

Enrollment for this class is currently open. Join this class now by enrolling above.


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You Don't Just Need To Find Investors, You Need To Find More Investors Faster...

Check Out What Past Challengers Are Saying...

TRANSFORM THE WAY YOU Attract and Qualify Investors

Learn the Way to Make Anyone Feels Like Investing…

During this two day challenge Georges Hanna will show you the Only Formula to create the emotional trigger and the logical cooperation to attract people and convert them to investors to your real estate deals. This class meets you where you are and pushes your skills to new heights.

The Challenge Community

Access to the Investors Magnet Challenge Facebook Group. You will be surrounded by other entrepreneurs who are excited to learn about attracting more investors.

Lead Generation

You will learn the secret to making lead generation offers that cause people to opt in. Lead generation offers are the key to building a big email list of potential investors who want to invest with you.

Core Offer

Learn to create great core offers which are the foundation of your real estate business. When you have a great core offer, you will have a business that is sustainable and scalable.

Premium Value Offers

You will learn the secrets to premium value offers. Premium value offers are the secret sauce of exponential scalability. Learn how to turn your deal into an irresistible offer no investor can resist.

Premium Partnerships

learn how to create premium partnerships that allow you to do the work once and get high level investors hooked on current and future deals.


Join the challenge Now!

The "Investors Magnet Challenge: The Five Moves to Attract 100 Leads a Day and Turn them into Real Estate Investors for Your Lucrative Deals"

The “Investors Magnet Challenge” makes it easy for you to find qualified and motivated investors and partners on demand whenever you are closing on a deal.

  • This challenge is the solution to find immediate leads for real estate investment deals - Right Now!

  • Stop struggling to find the right qualified investors when closing on a real estate investment deal.

  • Recognize how to find great investors consistently - No experience required!

  • Quickly Find investors who want guaranteed greater returns and financial freedom... even if you have tried before and failed.

  • Recognize the resources to find investors or partners on demand.

  • Eliminate freaking out about attracting highly qualified investors to your real estate deals - For All Eternity!

Learn From The Best

Georges Hanna

  • Georges helped over 9000 entrepreneurs in different countries scale their businesses beyond their geographic area. Which means you could apply the same strategies to find highly motivated investors on demand in any area in the world.

  • Georges helped hundreds of real estate investors launch, grow, sustain, and scale their businesses by leveraging other people's assets such as OPMs (other people’s money), and other people’s time, skills, and audiences.

  • During this class you will learn closely-guarded secrets that previously Georges Hanna has only shared in his ultra high-end masterminds! Whether you are a new investor or a well established portfolio owner who is already building a 6,7,8 or even 9 figures real estate business, you are going to gain knowledge about strategies you didn't know existed.

Challenges Create Champions, Are You Up For A Challenge?


A New Kind Of Challenge

I know what you are probably thinking. "Oh Georges, not another sales pitch disguised as a challenge"! Well, you're right. It's not another sales pitch disguised as a challenge, it is the most comprehensive, yet simple to understand 2 day training designed to help you understand how to attract highly motivated investors so well that your prospects will thank you for making the offer!

Have you ever made an offer and had clients thanking you in tears for making the offer and giving them the chance to invest with you? If you haven't then you have a lot to learn about creating, conveying, and converting real estate offers to attract the right motivated investors consistently and on demand.

You Can Step Up To The Challenge

Here Are Two Ways. Here's How:

✔ Via Live Challenge

✔ Recordings Available For A Limited Time After Live Sessions

The Next Challenge Starts:

May 15th

Noon -3:00 pm EST

General Admission

100 Qualified Real Estate Investor Leads in One Day ($2997 Value)

  • This 2 days challenge holds the keys for you to find real estate investors at the push of a button. Quickly find many potential investors. Focus on deciding which deals to do rather than chasing investors.

  • 2 Days Of Offer Training With Georges Hanna, the King Of Creating Offers that Attract Investors on Demand...

  • Access the Facebook Group

  • ​Dominate The Marketplace And Crush The Competition

  • How To Sell Any Offer To Any Investor



11:00 am - 3:00 pm EST

VIP Experience

  • Same as the general admission, plus:

  • One hour Q/A on Zoom every day during the challenge. You can ask anything you want about attracting and qualifying real estate investors and running a successful real estate business.

  • Bonus 1: The Expert Impact Mastery Guide: how to use Facebook Groups to attract and grow your community of investors. Step by step guide (Value $2000).

  • Bonus 2: The Millionaire Investor script and training: how to close potential leads and turn them into motivated investors for your real estate deals. Either in-person, online, or by phone (Value $4000).




Find Immediate Leads For Real Estate Investment Deals So You Can Avoid Struggling To Find The Right Motivated Investors When Closing On A Deal

Let me take you by the hand and make it easy for you to…

  • Find Great Investors Consistently

  • Grow Real Estate Portfolio Using Other People's Money

  • Find Immediate Leads For Real Estate Investment Deals

  • Convert Those Leads Into Investors

  • Keep Those Investors Invested In Future Deals

  • Find Investors Who Want Guaranteed Greater Returns And Financial Freedom

  • Reach Financial Freedom Through Real Estate Investments

  • Find Investors Or Partners On Demand

  • Do It All Without Struggling To Find The Right Qualified Investors When Closing On A Deal

  • ... and Much, MUCH More!

Claim Your Access to The "Investors Magnet: The Five Moves to Attract 100 Leads over the Weekend and Turn them into Real Estate Investors for your Lucrative Deals" 2 Days Challenge Right Now

Register now and join other savvy investors in the 2 days challenge and get incredible bonuses…

To your success,

Georges Hanna

P.S. - Investors Magnet: The Five Moves to Attract 100 Leads in One Day and Turn them into Real Estate Investors for your Lucrative Deals is worth MORE than $8997. This special price of $297 for The General Admission and $597 for the VIP Experience is a "Buy it NOW before it's gone" offer... so act fast!... ..

P.P.S. - Let's be blunt: If you pass on this offer, will you Find investors consistently on your own who want guaranteed greater returns and financial freedom or not? Probably not!

Face it. Most of what you need is instruction and encouragement from someone who's "been there and done that" when it comes to attracting highly qualified investors to their real estate deals. Get this 2 days challenge NOW and you can find investors or partners on demand in as little as Over a weekend!

Investors Magnet Challenge is your key to find great investors consistently, find immediate leads for real estate investment deals, Find investors who want guaranteed greater returns and financial freedom, and Reach financial freedom through real estate investments...

Act now! Buy now! Your satisfaction is guaranteed.


Frequently Asked Questions

If your questions aren't listed below, feel free to email us at info@smartinco.me

Who is this class for?

Real estate investors, fund or portfolio owners, or real estate experts. If you are a real estate investor looking to reach your maximum potential in the real estate business, then this class is for you.

Who is this class Not for?

Business opportunity seekers and day dreamers. This class is not a shiny object to be added to your collection of courses, books, and videos that you still have never gone through. If you are curious about business but not serious, please don't waste your money and our time.

How much is the training?

There are 2 ways to participate in The Investors Magnet Challenge. The General Admission is only $297 and the VIP Experience is only $597 for a VIP ticket, which includes backstage passes to watch and learn from the Zoom pre-game show as Expert Georges Hanna answers Q&A of the VIP Ticket holders.

How is this different from your courses or free content on offers?

While I do have content available on sales and marketing your products and services, this is my premiere content on offer creation, attracting investors, and the first time I have created a challenge live or otherwise.

Are the challenge's classes live?

Yes, classes will be live. Although the classes will be live and recorded you won't be able to purchase the recordings so you will need to watch the challenge live or watch the recordings for the limited time they will be posted in the Facebook group.

How does the 2 day challenge work?

Each day the challenge training will run from 1-4pm EST, with backstage additional VIP training with questions from VIP ticket holders from 12pm-1pm each day. In the evening you are encouraged to complete the tasks within the window provided.

Will I get direct feedback from Georges Hanna?

Only if you purchase the VIP ticket. If you have the VIP Experience you will have a virtual backstage pass to watch and learn from the Q&A sessions each day. If you have General Admission you will not have access to listen to the Q&A sessions prior to the general training.

What is a VIP ticket and where can I purchase one?

A VIP ticket is an upgraded ticket that allows you to be guaranteed to ask your question during the VIP session. These tickets are limited to 37 each challenge and are first come, first serve.

If I don't have a real estate business yet, or I am not a real estate expert, is this challenge for me?

Because Georges teaches based on principles, this challenge does help real estate portfolio or fund owners from all arenas. Georges has had people from all types of real estate areas: from agents, to fund managers, to land developers, and real estate experts who have benefited from what Georges teaches on the challenge. If you don't yet have a real estate business, you are welcome to join. However, be aware that Georges is teaching business principles. If you plan on starting a real estate business it could bring insight as you start your real estate entrepreneurial journey.

Become An Offer Making Machine And Create Your Investor Group Magnet...

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